Friday, March 30, 2012

1.3 lbs !

Whoot!! Monday night I decided I wanted to buckle down and get my butt in gear and in shape. I went ot the gym twice Tuesday, once Wednesday, once Thursday and then this morning, I also gave up carbs starting Monday afternoon till probably this afternoon =P but already in just 4 days I'm down 1.3 lbs!

I was thinking goofing a round early and I came across this dress that I think is my new goal and motivation. My bachelorette party is July 2012 and I think this dress is it!! I've never worn anything like it and I definitely wouldn't wear it now, but I am going to do all I can to fit in it by then! or something similar! I know I probably should order it now but I'm not about to order something in advance that might not fit or might fit and be hideous but my goal is to fit in a gorgeous, sexy, look at me white/ivory "Vegas" dress by Saturday 21st. If I have to do two a days every day!

Here's to the future!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Starting Over

Unfortunately, I have not been making the progress I wanted. I knew that this would happen... which is why, I'm sure, it did.

This time though, this time I am working harder than ever and actually believe I will find results. Much to my dismay I have taken two huge steps that I wish this process could do with out.
  1. I have hired a personal trainer. I have always wanted to but the cost has always stopped me and I wish I was strong enough to do this without one but boy am I glad I have one. His name is Jeff, he kicks my ass and shows no mercy. Recovering from my bronchitis/laryngitis/viral infection thing he worked me out hard enough for it to count, but easy enough to keep me conscious, which I appreciated, however, last night I made a point of pointing out my voice had come back... mistake! The no mercy Jeff is back. 
  2. I have committed to a Mon-Fri carbohydrate free diet. I feel like an addict. After months of eating nothing "bad" for me except for potatoes (i.e. potato chips, baked potatoes and french fries) cutting them out is so hard! I do have to admit though. I had commented before on the fact that I was afraid I'd never be able to go with out them. Well day 2 potato free is a success!! I know it sounds lame. But there's something about giving up the only "processed" things you can eat hahaha.
Monday I was not able to attend the gym due to my almost all-nighter my addiction to Hunger Games caused and my physical thereapy appointment in the afternoon.

Tuesday though, Tuesday was rough. I drug my determined self to the gym at 5:30 am and did the eliptical for 30 minutes and the bike for 15. Then I decided I should probably get ready for work. I ended up being an hour early and decided next time I'll swim as well. After work I headed to personal training, however I always do 15-30 minutes on the elliptical before that too. Then Sarah and I moved the rest of the stuff out of our apartment (a whole topic unto itself). Needless to say I am exhausted!

Normally, I would've worked myself too hard to move the next day... and while my muscles may agree, they accompanied to the gym this morning anyway :)

A definite scare for me though was sitting in my orthopedic surgeon's office this morning as he told me I might have a broken foot and need to have x-rays. All I could thing about was "really? again? every time I get going and get into a groove and am thinking it will finally happen... something happens. Broken leg, broken wrist, broken foot, health problems, sickness you name it.." I said ok and headed to the x-ray room. Well, turns out I've had two broken toes (the two i suspected to be broken anyway) for the last six weeks and since I didn't take painkillers due to my suspicion of broken bones, they are nearly healed. I did however, allow the swelling to go on long enough to stretch out a ligament. Now I don't know much about them but my ortho. kept talking about me stretching out my ligament and almost dislocating and if that happened I'd need surgery. I got a cortozone shot and am hoping for the best. My least favorite part of the meeting was when he brought up tests I had done 5 years ago. "Five years ago you tested negative for Rheumatoid arthritis, I would like to get you tested again though." O joy! I've lucked out most of my life with minor sprains, minor headaches, Celiac instead of ovarian cancer...  ya know, I've gotten the lesser of two evils every time so, my hope is that I get the lesser of two evils this time as well. I would rather have joint pain as a result of being chubby and out of shape or a former athlete gone computer nerd, than have RA.

So much  has happened I definitely think I should start writing more often again, and perhaps I will. For sake of space (and the fact that my lunch is over) I'll end here.

Happy Hump Day!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Random Thoughts 2

Well haven't I been a slacker recently.

Life has been so insane I guess I forgot to blog.
My life hasn't changed that much, I have been trying to workout more and lose weight, however, that hasn't been going well, obviously. I am trying something new now though, so I hope this will have a better turn out.

I keep being told i need to do cardio to see results but I haven't been approved for any activity yet that I know how to do that provides cardio. I am allowed to swim but I'm not supposed to kick, which kind of defeats the purpose. I just found out yesterday though, that I am allowed to do the bike. I am pretty stoked about that. Still no running, dancing, elipticals, etc. But I will take what I can get :)

Life has been so interesting this year. Two of my best friends have gotten engaged and are planning to get married this year as well! It's so exciting.

I think one of the hardest things to deal with is seeing people who are excited about the wedding. Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked, but it's so hard to be excited about something that may not happen. I know Steven and I will get married this year, that part I am sure about, however, the big white wedding, that's still up for debate. I hate the military so much. I wish they would just tell you. "We'll see how training is going" is so not an acceptable answer when you're planning a wedding. There is so much thought, time and money that goes into a wedding, and contracts are signed that some time don't allow wiggle room for dates. When are they going to tell us? The day before? The week before? The month before? This whole thing has me sound wound up I've actually been trying to avoid people so I don't have to talk about the wedding but, when I fail to avoid them it's always the same; "O no, that's horrible." "Well you don't look very excited", "What are you guys going to do?", "Are you going to cancel/postpone/have the wedding via skype? So many questions all the time and the look on their face is always the same when I have to say "I don't have an answer."

I don't though. Plain and simple. I don't know.


I have to tell you though, if we do have the wedding... It's gonna be awesome :) the planning is almost complete. If I could just be sure he'd be there I would be so unbelievably stoked :)